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Stand shoulder to shoulder with NAACP Oakland and become a member with over a hundred thousand global champions in the NAACP's ranks of freedom and justice crusaders! The very bedrock of the Association's mission—achieving unassailable equality and justice—is woven from the commitment and engagement of visionary and forward-looking souls, precisely like yourself. A mightier NAACP, fueled by an expanded, dynamically engaged fellowship, stands as our paramount aspiration, the guardian of our liberties, propelling our rights to unprecedented horizons. Your moment to fortify freedom and propel progress is here. Seize it!
Regular Adult
30$Every year- Includes a 1-year subscription to The Crisis Magazine
- Regular annual membership
- For ages 21 and older
Youth with Crisis Magazine
15$Every year- Includes a 1-year subscription to The Crisis Magazine
- Regular annual membership
- Ages 20 and under
Youth without Crisis Magazine
10$Every year- Regular annual membership
- Ages 17 and under
Annual Corporate
5,000$Every year- Includes a 1-year subscription to The Crisis Magazine
- Corporate annual membership
Junior Life
100$Every year- Lifetime Membership
- Payable in annual installments of $25 or more**
- Ages 13 and under
- Includes 10-year subscription to The Crisis Magazine*
Bronze Life
400$Every year- Lifetime membership
- Payable in annual installments of $50 or more**
- Ages 14-20
- Includes 10-year subscription to The Crisis Magazine*
Silver Life
750$Every year- Lifetime membership
- Payable in annual installments of $75 or more**
- Includes 10-year subscription to The Crisis Magazine*
Gold Life
1,500$Every year- Lifetime membership
- Only available to Silver or Regular Life Members
- Payable in annual installments of $150 or more**
- Includes 10-year subscription of The Crisis Magazine*
Diamond Life
2,500$Every year- Lifetime membership
- Only available to Gold or Golden Heritage Life Members
- Payable in annual installments of $250 or more**
- Includes 10-year subscription of The Crisis Magazine*
Your membership will automatically renew by the plan frequency until canceled by logging into your account.
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